1. Define success on your terms

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, success is “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame” or a “favorable or desired outcome.” It is very important to define success on your terms. Do you desire wealth, respect, or to be well-known? Deciding what you’re aiming for will allow you to start planning how to get there. Defining success on your terms, and working toward what truly matters to you, can help you live a more fulfilling life.

2. Find the sweet spot where your strengths and passions collide

Having passion is awesome, and it’s great when you discover the sweet spot where your strengths and passions collide. When you do what lights you up, and it aligns with your innate strengths, you can greatly increase your success. If you’re not sure what your passion is, check out this free workbook. Having passion for what you’re doing will help you persevere when times are tough.

3. Work on your mindset

Having an amazing mindset can help you make huge strides toward success. Start paying attention to your thoughts. Are they encouraging and uplifting, or do you speak to yourself harshly? Envision the life you desire living, even if it’s very different than your current life. Establishing a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and believing it’s really possible for you, can help you blaze your trail to success.

 4. Write down your goals

One of my favorite life hacks is writing down my goals. At the end of each year, I set aside time to write my goals for the next year. I set big, specific goals that are measurable, and then I break them down into smaller goals so I know exactly what I need to accomplish each day to stay on track. Writing down your goals will take some time, but this habit can drastically increase your success.

5. Tell your time where to go

If you don’t tell your time where to go, it’s easy to let it drift away from you. Each evening, spend a few minutes writing down a tentative schedule for the following day. When you set a tentative schedule for your day, it will help you be intentional about how you’re spending your time. Without designating time slots for the tasks you need to do to be more successful, it’s easy to waste your time doing mindless activities that don’t add value to your life.

6. Surround yourself with awesome people

One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Jim Rohn, a businessman, who said, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Who are you spending your days with? Are they people who are inspiring? Do they encourage and support you in your journey to become the best you possible? Connecting with awesome people can greatly affect how you choose to live your life and the level of success you reach.

7. Exercise

When you set and reach physical goals, it can help give you the confidence and momentum to achieve things in other areas of your life. Also, exercise helps us to feel our best, and when we feel our best, it helps us achieve more in our lives. No matter what your definition of success is, I hope you find these tips beneficial. Continue to work toward living a life that you absolutely love, one where you spend your time doing what truly matters to you. Best wishes as you aim to reach new levels of success in your life. Featured photo credit: Mario Hieber/https://flickr.com via flickr.com