These are things you can do to turn yourself into an unstoppable force:

1. Don’t think—just discern and act

Instead of analyzing and over thinking, make a step, take deliberate actions. Since you’re well attuned to your senses, and you have absolute trust in yourself, use your instincts, do what feels right. Let me quote Oprah in connection to this: “Every right decision I have ever made has come from my gut. Every wrong decision I’ve made was the result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.”[1] Right at the moment you start analyzing, you’ve lost the battle. Using logic will pull you out of the zone.

2. Don’t be motivated by money or anything external

Having high-end gadgets, classy clothes, and expensive cars is nice, but, for truly successful people like you, it’s never been about the moola, status, or anything external. Take away all those and you’ll still be happy and successful. You’ll still have the drive to push yourself to the limit in order to reach your personal goals. Having these external things won’t make you self-destruct like many others, either.

3. Never be satisfied

For you, contentment is hard to find, even after achieving a goal. Actually, it’s not about the goal at all; it’s about the climb. To you, the real question is—how far can you push yourself? Some will say you’re ungrateful! Absolutely not. The truth is—because of the things you have achieved, you’re humbled and grateful. This is why you’ll never be lukewarm or lazy. You’ll always be hot for success. Jim Rohn said, “the way to enjoy life best is to wrap up one goal and start right on the next one. Don’t linger too long at the table of success, the only way to enjoy another meal is to get hungry.”[2]

4. Be true to yourself

Studies show 70 percent of US employees[3] hate their jobs and only one out of three Americans interviewed said they were happy.[4] Unstoppable people throw away everything they hate from their life. Gain self-respect and confidence in order to live life the way you want to live it. If something is wrong in your life, change it right away!

5. Don’t be afraid of the consequences of failure

Most people choose to stay close to the ground. Why? It’s safe to remain there. If they fall, it won’t hurt that bad. However, you choose to fly high. Just one fall may kill you. Just one miss and everything stops. You’re fine with that. You view this world in a different way after all. In your radical view, there’s no ceiling; there’s no floor. You say it’s all in the mind. If something goes wrong — if you fail — you make adjustments, dust off yourself, stand up, and keep going.

6. Keep learning

Regular folks chase entertainment. Phenomenal people pursue education and learning. You can’t stop learning when you desire to be the best. You’re compelled to improve continuously. You keep honing your skills and adding to your knowledge. Your key is preparation. It gives you power. You paid the bill nobody else wants to pay.

7. Be in control always

Unlike the masses who depend on substances or other factors outside of them, you’re in command of what you take in, how you use time, and how much time you spend in the zone. You don’t act based on impulse, you rely on your instincts. You do things because you like to, not because you’re obliged to. Implement these tips, and see how you transform into a dynamo that keeps running and running. Featured photo credit: Aidan Meyer via