Without further ado, let’s look at the primary reasons why drip coffee makers are the most popular coffee makers in the world.

Coffee Machines Are So Easy to Use

When you choose a drip coffee maker, you’ll find that there’s no real learning curve. It’s rare to find a coffee maker of this type that isn’t very simple to use. In general, all that you’ll need to do is add ground coffee to the right size coffee filter for the machine, put the filter into place, add some H2O, and then start up the machine. Before you know it, fresh and aromatic coffee will begin to brew, drip by tasty drip! Since you’ll be able to control how much coffee you add to the filter, you’ll also be able to control how strong your java is! These coffee makers typically feature glass carafes which hold quite a bit of coffee. They are great choices for families, for offices, or for “singletons” who want to enjoy multiple cups of coffee in the morning (or at any other time of the day or night)!

Drip Coffee Makers Are Often Very Affordable

It’s possible to find drip coffee makers for very little money. For example, there are styles in retail for under twenty bucks! While you may want to spend a bit more, you won’t have to splash out a lot of cash unless you really want to. As well as being budget-friendly and cost-effective choices, these types of coffee makers are economical to utilize. For example, filters for coffee makers of the drip variety typically cost just a couple of dollars and they are sold in packs, which tend to contain quite a few filters. Eco-friendly, reusable filters are also out there, and they generally aren’t expensive. It’s also possible to get exceptional deals on ground coffee, so the cost of adding coffee to your drip coffee maker won’t be too high, unless you want to enjoy high-end coffee, such as Starbucks blends or other designer coffee brands. Those who want the freshest coffee taste often invest in coffee bean grinders and then grind up coffee beans before they brew a new pot in a drip coffee maker. Grinders are fairly cheap kitchen accessories, so you may wish to pick one up if you’re going to buy a new drip coffee maker. Doing so will give you more options.

These Designs Are Often Programmable

These days, more drip coffee makers are programmable, which means that you can set them up with coffee, a filter and water in advance and then set a timer. If you want your coffee to start brewing while you’re still lying in bed in the morning (and who doesn’t, really?), just set the timer on the drip coffee maker before you go to bed. As long as you’ve added water, ground coffee, and a filter, your machine will start to brew at the specific a.m. time that you’ve programmed. You may program a pot well in advance or whenever you feel like it. It’s nice to know that your drip coffee maker will be able to brew automatically when it’s programmed to do so! The programmable features of these coffee makers are one of their main advantages.

Do They Have Any Drawbacks?

These coffee makers are so practical. They have a lot of pros and only one real con, which is the fact that they don’t produce fancier coffee drinks, such as cafe lattes, cafe mochas, and espressos. If you like a good cup of old school coffee (black or with milk, or with milk and sugar, or with sugar only), you may not want the fancy coffeehouse drinks, anyway. If so, you’re definitely someone who should treat yourself to a new drip coffee maker. Featured photo credit: se hui(shirley) Kim via freeimages.com