If you didn’t catch part 1, you can do so here. We’ll wait for you to come back before we move on. The exercises we covered were: These exercises are really the foundation for most other exercises, and we can easily progress and regress them to fit our need, like we did in part 1. But how do we use them? That’s what we’ll cover today: how to implement these ten exercises in several situations. The four settings we will dive into and design workouts for are:

Gym/Strength Routine

Progressions for making these bodyweight exercises more challenging in a regular gym setting

Conditioning/Fat Loss Routine

Putting together a routine of bodyweight exercises in a challenging manner for conditioning and fat loss purposes.

Vacation Body

Having a big tool box for bodyweight exercises is great if you want to break a sweat while you’re on vacation.

Advanced Bodyweight Training

Lastly, a more advanced bodyweight workout

Gym/Strength Routine:

How can we take the bodyweight exercises into the local gym, make use of the equipment, and make it an effective workout? If all you do right now is machine-based training, you will quickly notice an extreme jump in your progress if you move towards practicing bodyweight training and including more free-weights. Take the step from the machines to the free-weight area—machines are comfortable and you can’t do them wrong, but when did “comfortable” ever get us anywhere? Step over that imaginary line you’ve made up and step foot in the free-weight area. You’ll already feel a sense of mastery and increased self-confidence by pushing your limits a little further. This strength routine is just as good for beginners as for advanced, the real key lies in the load being used, always add more weights from week to week/day to day. This routine is to get stronger. Gym/Strength Routine:

  1. Barbell Front Squats         5×5 Rest: 3-4 minutes: Stretch calves or pecs in rest periods
  2. Pull-Ups                             4xAs Many As Possible – If you can’t do them, then do eccentrics. (If you can knock out sets on 12-15 reps then do 4×4 with additional weights) Rest: 2-3 minutes: Stretch hips or quads in rest periods
  3. Bulgarian Split Squats       4×8/each side (Hold dumbbells in each hand) Rest: 2 minutes: Stretch pecs or lats/back in rest-periods
  4. Push-Ups                            4xAMAP or Weighted Pushups 4×8-10 (Weight on back) Rest: 1-2 Minutes: Stretch hamstrings in rest-periods

Conditioning/Fat Loss routine:

By making small adjustments, we can transform our bodyweight exercises into conditioning and fat loss. In the strength routine we focused on strength, but you’ll also build muscle and can experience body fat loss if done properly, and supplement with good nutrition.

  1. Squats  4×10 2A. Pull-Ups – Variation    4sets 2B. Walking Lunges 4×12/each leg 3A. Push-Ups – Variation    4×15 3B. Burpees                4×12
  2. Sprint Intervals Sprint 1 minute. Rest 30seconds. Repeat 5 more times. Total of 6 times Either done on treadmill, a field/grass turf, or one lap on the track

Vacation Body

Waking up early and getting in a short, yet effective 30 minute workout feels extremely good when you’re on vacation. For this, you need zero equipment—only yourself. Here’s a simple, effective, and intense bodyweight routine you can do anywhere on vacation; in your hotel room, at the beach, by the pool or wherever you are hiding out. 1A. Pushups  x10-15 Progress/regress: feet inclined on bed or bench/arms inclined on bed or bench 1B. Bulgarian Split Squats x10-12 Rear foot on bed or bench 1C. Jumping Lunges x10/each leg Lunge variation. Stand in lunge-position and jump up in the air. Switch legs in mid-air. Do 4 sets of this circuit. Rest for 45 seconds between sets, no rest between exercises. 2A. Reverse Lunges x10/each leg 2B. Squats x15 2C. Rotation Pushups x6-8/each side 2D. Burpees x10 Stand in a push-up position and rotate so your torso faces the wall and your arm goes up towards the ceiling. This can be progressed by doing pushups first, then rotating. Performed in a circuit, 4 sets/rounds. 45seconds rest between sets, no rest between exercises. 3. Sprint In-Place or Sprints Option 1: Sprint In Place/High Knees OR Sprint In Place while standing in a pushup position, if limited space. 4 sets of 20/each leg. 30 seconds rest Option 2: Sprint Intervals. If you have the opportunity to go outside do intervals. Mark out 30 meters. Sprint over, walk back. Repeat 6 times. Rest 45 seconds and repeat 3 more times, for a total of 4 sets.

Advanced Bodyweight Training

  1. Muscle-Ups     3xAs Many As Possible 2minutes rest
  2. Handstand Push-Ups     3xAs Many As Possible 1-2minutes rest
  3. Barbell Squats        4×8 3 minutes rest 4A. Bulgarian Split Squats   3×6/each leg 4B. L-Sits       3x30sec holds 1-2minutes rest
  4. Pull-Ups 2x As Many As Possible. 20 seconds rest   There we go: 4 different routines to implement bodyweight exercises, which are easy to progress and regress to fit your need. Are you using bodyweight exercises on a regular basis when working out? If not, will you start doing them?