I stumbled across memorial or cremation diamonds when I was researching unique and interesting ways to honor your loved ones. It was a bit of a shock to discover that Queen Victoria had sent the country into mourning when her husband died. I was even more shocked to find out that people are still using memorial jewelry today to honor people who have passed away. These days, the memorial jewelry is slightly different, but keeps our lost loved ones closer to us than ever before.

1. Cremation Diamonds are Forever

Like diamonds found naturally, cremation diamonds last forever. Being able to carry a diamond that reminds you of a loved one is an amazing gift. It is also one that stands the test of time.

2. Diamonds Can Represent Your Feelings for Your Loved Ones

Memorial diamonds can celebrate your feelings for your loved one. Diamonds can act as symbols of your love and respect by physically representing the emotions that remain long after your loved one has passed.

3. Your Loved One Will Be with You Always

Cremation diamonds can be taken anywhere and worn for any occasion. Its nice to know that you can still share your experience with your loved one by making them a part of the important celebrations in your life. Check out this beautiful example of cremation jewelry, used to honor a beloved pet.

4. It Keeps Your Relationship Alive

Some people believe that it can be hard to maintain your connection with your loved one once they’re no longer here physically. Memorial jewelry allows you to maintain that relationship by establishing a permanent reminder of the memories and life that you shared together.

5. They Are a Talking Point

As the weeks and months go by, it becomes harder and harder to find ways to talk about your loved one without appearing maudlin. Cremation diamonds are a great way to start a conversation about a loved one who has passed on. It’s always nice to share memories, and cremation diamonds can be great conversation starters.

6. They Act as a Connection Between Your Past, Present, and Future

Life flies by and it is often difficult to understand how quickly our time can pass on this earth. Memorial diamonds connect the past with the present and the future. Cremation diamonds can be passed from one generation to the next, which allows memories to be handed down about loved ones who have passed on.

7. They Help You Work Through Denial

It’s human nature to go through several stages of grief when you lose someone close to you. Denying their death can cause you to isolate yourself, while causing others to turn away. Cremation diamonds provide you with something that you can hold onto, while acting as a reminder that your loved one has, in fact, passed on.

8. They Acknowledge That Life Will Never be the Same

Unfortunately, life is never the same when you lose someone who played a huge part in your life. Acceptance is the final stage of grief, and it is often at this point that we realize life will never go back to ‘normal.’ Death is a life lesson that allows us to perceive life from a new point of view. Memorial diamonds act as reminders of how life can change and evolve with every experience we encounter.

9. It Motivates You to Live Your Life

Often when someone passes away, people begin to realize that life needs to be lived to its fullest. Once a few months have passed, however, this motivation to cherish every moment can dwindle. Cremation diamonds act as a reminder that you need to seize the opportunity presented by each new day.

10. Comfort During Hard Times

Missing your loved ones can seem unending when you’re immersed in grief. Memorial jewelry can be a comfort when you’re going through difficult times. Being able to physically touch a reminder of your loved one can provide renewed strength and comfort in the notion that you’re not alone.

11. It Adds Positivity to Your Life

Positivity can be hard to come by these days. It is even harder to find when someone you love has passed away. Cremation diamonds add a ray of positivity to your life by allowing you to carry your loved one with you everywhere. Looking at your cremation jewelry can bring a smile to your face and a warm memory to mind whenever you wear that special diamond.

12. It Provides Direction

Feeling lost after someone has passed away is very common. Not knowing how to fill the void that they leave behind can be difficult. Memorial jewelry can help you determine what shape you’d like your life to take in the future. Often, the simple act of talking out loud to your loved one can help you decide how to approach a situation. Memorial jewelry can be a vessel that you talk to, allowing you to feel as though your loved one is sitting next to you.

13. You can be Together Forever

Cremation jewelry allows you to turn your loved one’s ashes into a precious jewel. Did you know that you can also have a sample of your own hair mixed with your loved one’s ashes? In this way you can be together forever.

14. Create A Family Heirloom

Heirlooms come in all different shapes and forms: from Grandma’s favorite brooch or Grandpa’s tie clips, to Aunt Jane’s porcelain figurines. Cremation diamonds allow families to create new heirlooms that tell a story and share a legacy.

15. Establish a Legacy

Legacies exist in every family. When contemplating the prospect of their own passing, many people wonder, “What will my legacy be?” Memorial diamonds allow you to create and then leave behind a legacy that will be shared with each new generation.

16. Color

Everyone has a favorite color. Cremation diamonds can reflect your loved one’s favorite color, and can be worn everyday, to any occasion. The color of a beautiful cremation diamond can remind you of happy times spent together.

17. The Adventure Isn’t Over

Memorial jewelry allows you to carry on with the life adventures you and your loved one had planned for the future. Cremation diamonds are actually created from the hair or ashes of your loved one, which means they will be with you every step of the way. The way this happens is explained further here.

18. They Allow Personality to Shine

Every individual is unique, and so is the life that they’ve led. Memorial diamonds can be as unique, funky, or refined as the person they honor, allowing you to create an accurate reflection of their life.

19. Crafting a Keepsake

A cremation diamond is meant to be a keepsake that celebrates the life of your loved one. By incorporating their ashes, you’re keeping their memory alive in the stories that you’ll share and the memories you’ll create as a result of bonding with others over your memorial jewelry.

20. They Remain Close to Your Heart

It has been said that ancient Egyptians placed the wedding ring on the ring finger because they believed that it was directly connected to the heart. Whether or not this is true, cremation jewelry is meant to be worn so that your loved one always feels close to you.

21. A Cremation Diamond is an Emotional and Physical Treasure

Someone once said, “When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” Cremation diamonds are treasures that store your loved one’s ashes and keep them safe. This treasure is tied to all of your emotions and gives you the physical comfort of feeling that your loved one is nearby. There are many ways to honor your loved one, but cremation jewelry is a wonderfully intimate choice that can keep your loved one’s personality alive through an ever-lasting diamond. It doesn’t matter how, when, or why you lose someone. All that matters is that they’re gone, and you’re left wondering how you can cope with all of the emotions that have been thrust upon you. Cremation jewelry is an amazing way to celebrate, honor and remember a life that has made a lasting impression on you. Understanding the process can bring comfort in knowing that you are making the right choice when honoring your loved one’s life and memory.