1. “I can’t be myself.”

This is one of the most damaging limiting beliefs of all. People fear that they’ll be hated for who they are, so they try to be loved for who they’re not. It doesn’t work; most people will be able to see beyond your facade and recognize that you’re faking it. Be genuine, and be genuine with the right people, to lead a happy life.

2. “I shouldn’t ask because I won’t receive.”

Whether it be asking someone out on a date or requesting a raise, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask the question. “No” is pretty much the worst thing they can say, and the more you hear the word the more tolerant you’ll become of it.

3. “I’ll never be worth anything.”

You’re worth a lot already. There are probably people in your life that will tell you that, if you ask them. Even if you’re not where you want to be, the roadblocks stopping you from getting there are not insurmountable.

4. “My wings will melt off if I fly too close to the sun.”

Icarus be damned, you shouldn’t be afraid to reach your goal lest you fall short. The most important thing is that you try. If you fail, you learn from the experience. If you succeed, you reap the rewards of your hard work. It’s not as simple as a lose-win scenario; what you take from the experience is part of what defines it.

5. “I shouldn’t trust anyone.”

A lot of people purport that trusting in people is a foolish endeavor. That may be true if you’re on the reality competition show Survivor, but in the real world you have to put faith in others. Living without trust leaves you with a burden you can’t bear. Accept support from others, even if it means leaving yourself a little vulnerable.

6. “Love only ends in a broken heart.”

It’s true that a lot of relationships (including romantic ones) end in heartbreak, but the heartbreak is not the only thing you take away from the experience. You created memories which, even if they’re bittersweet, will enrich your personal history and ensure that you had a life well-lived.

7. “I won’t succeed.”

You won’t succeed if you accept limiting beliefs like this as facts. Success is an abstract concept; it’s something only you can define. Define it in a way that deems you a winner when you put forth your best effort.

8. “It’s too late for me to ________.”

Don’t accept expiration dates. It’s true that you may not ever be a world-class gymnast if you’re already past 30, but it doesn’t mean you should give up on the endeavor entirely. If you have passion for the sport, go out and perform gymnastics or get involved in gymnastics in some other capacity.

9. “I’ll implode if ________.”

A lot us fear that our universe will fall apart if something tragic happens, like the loss of a job or a death in the family. But you can, and you will, endure. Don’t forget how strong you are.

10. “I’m not normal.”

This is a true statement, but it’s still a limiting belief. No one in the world is “normal” and no one should want to be. Normal is boring. Try being interesting instead. Author Grant Morrison said, Got that? You’re the best you that ever existed, so just go and be you. Featured photo credit: Jesse Hull via flickr.com