5 Benefits of Apples

1. Apples lower cholesterol

The combination of ursolic acid, pectin and D-glucaric acid in apples all help to mop up and excrete cholesterol from the body. This, in turn, helps decrease the risk of coronary heart disease. The soluble fiber produces a gum-like gel that soaks up LDL cholesterol (the bad one) and drags it out of the body. The soluble fiber found in an apple binds with fats in the intestine, which translates into lower cholesterol levels and a healthier you.

2. Apples improve your memory and brain functions

Apples featuring red skin contain anthocyanins in their peel. With regard to cognitive function, research suggests that flavonoids, including anthocyanins, have the ability to enhance memory and help prevent age-related declines in mental functioning. The flavonoids found in red apples can help improve memory and slow age-related loss of cognitive functioning.

3. Apples help you build stronger bones

Apples contain the trace minerals boron and phloridzin. Boron helps decrease the risk of osteoporosis by assisting in the body’s uptake of calcium through it interactions with magnesium and Vitamin D. Phloridzin also helps build strong bones and protects again osteoporosis, as well as increasing bone density.

4. Apples contain rich fiber

One of the best features of apples is pectin. The skin of apples is especially rich in this soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. In several studies, when levels of pectin from foods were increased in the diet, it led to a lowering of blood cholesterol. Pectin also helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable by becoming a sticky gel when it gets wet once inside the stomach, thus slowing the absorption of the natural sugar, fructose, that apples contain. The result being, this sugar will be slowly absorbed into your bloodstream and rather than giving you a sugar rush often seen with eating high sugar foods such as chocolate, the sugar will be slowly absorbed into your bloodstream thus keeping blood sugar levels stable.

5. Apples Help Banish Hot Flushes

Boron has been found to be essential for oestrogen production. Research has now shown that boron supplementation in postmenopausal women markedly elevated the blood level of the most active form of oestrogen, 17-beta oestradiol, to the level found in women on oestrogen replacement therapy. Equally, the blood levels of testosterone increased also. Some women get hot flushes in perimenopause because oestrogen levels are too high and progesterone too low, and therefore may be afraid of using boron. However, no evidence has been found that boron raises oestrogen above normal healthy levels.

Top 5 Apple Recipes

Cinnamon Baked Apples

You may choose to use sweet apple varieties such as Pink Lady or Fuji and therefore, decrease the amount of sugar used.

Easy Apple Coleslaw

This is a delightfully refreshing salad that is always a hit on a hot summer day!

Apple Crisp

This recipe takes on a different approach to your usual Apple Crumble.

Grain Free and Flour Free Apple Crumble

This recipe is so quick and easy and you will be amazed at the great flavor. Delicious hot and cold, with cream or Greek yogurt, or on its own!

No Bake Apple, Cinnamon Muffin Bites

The health benefits of apples exist in both raw and cooked apples, although they are more beneficial for health when eaten raw. The soft flesh of the apple contains soluble fiber, attracting water to the intestine, slowing digestion and forcing food to stay in your stomach. That causes you to feel fuller longer, which helps keep you from eating more, making it the perfect snack or hunger stopper in any emergency. Featured photo credit: mythja via shutterstock.com

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