1. Increase Mineral Intake

Bones are made up of around 70% minerals, and not only calcium. There are many trace minerals such as manganese, silica, and vanadium. When a bone is broken, it is vital to replenish the body of all minerals, main and trace. A well-rounded diet with fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, lean meats, and foods rich in calcium can put you on your way to healing faster than a diet that is lacking.

2. Up Your Anti-Inflammatory Intake

The ruptured tissue in the body releases large amounts of free radicals, which overtake the natural defense mechanisms in the body. Antioxidants like vitamins C and E and lycopene can aid in speeding up the healing process by inhibiting the destructive and inflammatory effects that free radicals have on the body. Anti-inflammatories can be consumed through the diet or through supplements.

3. Exercise

This biomechanical stimulation can help to enhance the repair of a broken bone through regeneration. Exercise will also restore the bone’s structural strength once it has fully healed. Exercising will also promote circulation and flow of blood to replenish the nutrients into the area of the broken bone. It is vital to avoid stress to the affected area, exercises should only be done to the surrounding joints rather than the broken bone. When the blood flow around the broken bone is increased, the healing time then becomes reduced.

4. Check on Your Protein Intake

When a bone is compromised, the body gathers all of its proteins to help build the bone back up. Adding in extra protein will help to reduce complications, reduce the healing time, and can minimize any further bone loss. Plant-based proteins like legumes, almonds, and quinoa add protein without making your body more acidic. Aim to increase your daily intake of protein by at least 20 grams to reduce the bone healing time.

5. Essential Oils

Cypress essential oil, helichrysum essential oil, and fir needle essential oil make up a blend that should be applied to the area of the broken bone each day. Cypress works to improve circulation, helichrysum helps to repair the damaged nerve cell tissue, and fit helps to repair the bone.

6. Acupuncture

When done correctly, acupuncture can help to support the internal organs, repair damaged bones, and transform where the body’s energy is used.

7. Calcium-Rich Foods

Leafy green vegetables and fermented raw dairy products are the best source for calcium-rich foods. Studies have shown that in order for the body to properly use calcium, there needs to be proper intake of magnesium as well. This is because they work so closely—in order to benefit from foods that are rich in calcium, you need to consume the foods that are rich in magnesium. There are foods that work double duty, like leafy greens and the raw fermented dairy products.

8. Increase Your Normal Caloric Intake

Studies have shown that recovery time can be sped up when an individual with a broken bone ups their daily caloric intake as much as 3 times what is normal. The metabolism works overtime in order to repair broken bones, so it could be beneficial to up your calories to around 6,000 per day to speed up the recovery. Ensuring that your body has these extra calories from healthy foods will aid in speeding up the recovery process.