We can get stuck sometimes when trying to be more creative and come up with better ideas. Here are eight useful you can train yourself to do every day to boost your creative thinking.

You’re more creative when you’re tired

You’re probably reading this thinking that I’m crazy, but it’s true. Most of us claim to be either night owls or morning larks, and think that we work best and most creative during those times. However, the opposite is true. You’re actually more creative during non-optimal times. For example, if you’re more of a night owl, your brain is more likely to come up with creative ideas in the morning when you’re tired.

Pick places with ambient noises and dim lighting

When I sat down to do work I always thought that being in silence would help to get me in my most creative state, but the opposite is true. I’m not saying listening to your music on max volume is the greatest. Think about the type of music you’d be hearing in a coffee shop. Creative thinking needs the type of sounds you would hear there to spark new ideas and “out of the box” thinking. Some people work best in a room with natural lighting while others prefer to be in a darker area. I work best in a darker setting at my desk with candles lit. I am very relaxed and feel that is when I am the most focused. Through research[1] I found that working in dim lighting can actually improve creativity. This particular study discovered that when around dim lighting, the participants were more creative.

Put two ideas together and make them one

When you compromise a few ideas you’ll usually end up disappointed with the result. It’s typically something no one likes or recognize. You have to approach it differently. It wont’ work 100% of the time, but try to to take multiple ideas, dissect them and pull out the key elements of each one, then merge them into one idea. Combining ideas is a wonderful skill to have.

Put more constraints on time or materials when generating ideas

I had also thought that we tend to be most creative when we’re feeling free. Once again, I was proven wrong. By putting constraints on yourself, you can actually increase your creative thinking. When you have too many options or choices, it can be overwhelming. By the process of elimination, you’ll be able to focus and swim in creativity. So go ahead and give yourself a deadline or limit the materials you can use for your project. Your creativity will thank you.

Don’t settle for the first idea you come up with

If you’re going to stick to the first idea that pops into your head, you’re selling yourself short. You’re not giving yourself the opportunity to argue against yourself. You want to ensure that you’re putting forth your best mental effort. In other words, play devil’s advocate with yourself. Take the time to have a fully-engaged, well-structured look at your ideas before jumping into execution mode. “An ounce of preventative action now is worth a pound of corrective action later.” – Todd Henry

Don’t get used to certain habits

You’ll limit your creative flow this way. Maybe you’re always going to the same coffee shop to get your work done. Or maybe you take the same route home every day. You’re a product of your experience. The limitations you have are self-imposed, but they are false. When you force yourself to look past all which you know and feel comfortable with, you’ll start coming up with those breakthrough ideas you’ve been hoping for. Step outside your comfort zone.

See yourself as a creative person

Believe it or not, everyone is creative. It’s not abnormal to think that you aren’t, but by believing you aren’t a creative person, you really limit your creative thinking. It stops the flow of ideas and the ones you do have, you don’t believe are good ideas when they come to the surface. Even if the ideas are exactly what you’re looking for. Do yourself a favor, allow yourself to be the creative person that you are. Think back to the times when you came up with that great idea that blew your boss out of the water. Let it be a positive reminder that you are truly a creative person. Don’t wallow in the memories of times when you were struggling.

Keep an idea book

Have you ever had an idea while lying in bed, taking a shower, or driving? Great ideas can come at any time, so it’s important to write them down, so you don’t forget them. An idea book allows you to document the ideas immediately. You can write down inspiring words, things you observe and bits of wisdom. Use it as a brainstorming tool. Carry it with you everywhere so you’re able to capture that inspiring idea when it comes. At some point we all fall into a rut and become frustrated by not being able to come up with fresh ideas. The good news is that your creative thinking meter won’t be on E forever. When you’re feeling like you can’t pull yourself out, try incorporating some of these things into your daily routine to get yourself back on top. And most importantly, remind yourself that you are creative.