You can’t help but be impressed because there’s something about them that just seems different and real. Until there’s a way to bottle up that “wow factor,” here’s a look at the things some people do that always seem to make a great impression on us.

1. They are genuine

Sometimes it seems like everyone around has a hidden agenda. It’s nice to meet someone who asks how you are doing and actually cares to know the answer. If you take the time to show interest in someone else, it does wonders in making them want to know more about you.

2. They are morning people

Early risers get more accomplished in the first few hours of the day than some people do all day. It’s easy to become best friends with the snooze button, so it says a lot about someone who chooses to be productive and make the most of each day.

3. They are likable

One of the most important characteristics to have is likability. Even if you don’t have much in common, when someone is likable you are instantly drawn to their personality. Being likable makes people feel that they can be comfortable around you because you’re so easy to get along with.

4. They are confident

You can always tell someone is confident by how they enter a room or look directly in your eyes when being introduced. Confidence shows that you are comfortable in your own skin.

5. They don’t have to be the center of attention

Truth be told, you don’t you have to be the loudest or biggest personality in the room to make an impression. Sometimes it’s the ability to play the background and just be yourself that captures the most eyes.

6. They remember your name

You can’t help but to be impressed with someone who takes the time to remember your name. Sometimes it’s such an easy copout to say, “oh, my memory is bad” or “I meet so many people.” When you take the time to remember a name, it shows that you connected with them as well.

7.  They are nice to strangers

It’s easy to say and do all the right things when you know someone. But it’s actually impressive when someone can also be nice to people they don’t even know.

8. They say “I’m sorry”

It takes a lot to admit that you made a mistake. Sometimes people try to make excuses or place the blame on others because it’s easier. The ability to apologize to another person or own up to a mistake displays a level of maturity that you can’t help but respect.

9. They avoid drama

Nowadays it almost seems cool to lose your cool. Reality TV and gossip news glorify drama and tantrums. But no one likes drama in real life. The ability to keep your cool is an admirable trait and shows that you are not all about negativity.

10. They are well-traveled

A person who travels a lot and usually shows a lot of diversity in tastes and knowledge. Being exposed to different cultures also shows that you are open-minded and well-rounded.

11. They always have a positive attitude

It’s easy to tell others to be positive when all is well in your own life. But when a person is truly able to see the silver lining in their own tough situation, it shows that they practice what they preach.

12. They can play an instrument

Almost everyone took a music class at some point during school, but not as many can say they actually play an instrument. Being able to play an instrument shows a great level of disciple and creativity.

13. They do volunteer work

Time is so limited these days. You cannot help but be impressed by someone who chooses to volunteer their time towards a good cause. Using your talent to help others in need shows that you care about what’s going on around you and believe in giving back.

14. They are athletic

People who participate in sports show a great deal of passion and dedication. It’s impressive when someone takes the time to keep their body healthy and challenge their physical limits.

15. They are modest

Sometimes modesty is also the best policy. Someone may impress you because they genuinely don’t make a big deal out of something that you admire. These are the people who give without wanting credit or have a talent, but do not want to be the center of attention. It’s a positive trait when people do things from the heart and not solely for the praise.

16. They speak another language

The ability to speak multiple languages is always an impressive skill. You never know when it will come in handy and it shows a variety in the ability to communicate.

17. They have a warm smile

There are times when it seems like everyone is walking around grumpy or always on the go. When a person smiles often, you can’t help but have a warm feeling and connect with them. It’s easy to stand out when you have a welcoming personality and always show up with a smile.

18. They give good hugs

It’s nice when someone instantly greets you with a big hug to go with a warm smile. Although everyone is not a hugger, it shows that you are a warm person who feels like a handshake isn’t always needed. Even the most guarded person can’t really be mad at a friendly hug given at just the right time.

19. They are an avid reader

The more a person reads, the more they tend to know a little of everything. People who read a lot are often able to start great conversations and there is plenty of room to discuss opinions and share your thoughts.

20. They dress well

You can tell a lot about a person by the way that they carry themselves. One of the first things you will notice about a person you meet is how they dress. Someone who carries themselves in a way that shows care and a glimpse into their personality will always stand out.

21. They are relatable

People often go by feelings and connection when interacting. When you find someone that you can relate to, you’re able to learn from them and exchange ideas. Being relatable is an easy way to impress someone because you show that you share a lot in common.

22. They are good communicators

Communication is an art, so it is a skill to be able to pull out the best in others. People who know how to carry on a conversation in a natural way makes others around them feel comfortable.

23. They are good listeners

Sometimes it seems like good listening skills are becoming extinct. But there are people who take the time to listen and pay attention during conversations. It’s noticeable when someone actually takes in what you’re saying and doesn’t spend the time trying to think of their own stories. It’s therapeutic to be around someone who will soak in what you’re saying and care about your point of view.

24. They are the life of the party

There are some people who have such a positive energy that is so contagious, you always want them around. They bring life to the party with their ability to have fun and always have a good time no matter where they are.

25. They are patient

As the proverb goes, “patience is a virtue.” It’s easy to lose your patience with everyday stressors. A person who is able to take a step back and not get flustered understands that everything doesn’t always have to be a big rush.

26. They live in the moment

A person who is able to take in each moment truly enjoys life. Life can quickly pass you by if you keep aimlessly going through the motions. Someone who is able to enjoy every bite of a cupcake or sip of wine really appreciates the little joys of life.

27. They laugh a lot

Laughter is the best medicine. A good laugh can alleviate stress, lower blood pressure, and create a general sense of well-being. People who are able to laugh and keep a light attitude show the benefits of not stressing out. It also doesn’t hurt that laughter is contagious.

28. They love children

People who love children have a naturally youthful quality about them. They bring out the child in everyone around them and are able to see life through the eyes of children.

29. They are reliable

It’s easy to over commit yourself or get caught up in your own life. So people who are able to put aside what’s going on in their world and always be there when needed are considered valuable and irreplaceable.

30. They motivate you

Some people are good at making you feel like you can conquer the world. Someone who is able to encourage another person and offer help when needed shows that they are invested in the success and happiness of others.