For anyone contemplating losing weight, jogging is one of the best exercise activities that you can participate in. While it is well known that regular jogging can help individuals to burn calories, there are additional benefits that will impact positively on an individuals physical and mental well being over time. So long as you remain committed and jog on a regular basis, it can dramatically improve your lifestyle. Consider the following benefits of jogging and the numerous ways in which it can empower you to live a more prosperous life.

1. Increasing your Lifespan

Research is a wonderful things, and its findings enable us to create a healthier and more productive lifestyle. According to a recent study, for example, jogging for as little as an hour a week can add years to your life expectancy. Conducted by Danish heart expert Dr. Peter Schnohr, the study revealed that jogging at a slow or average pace can increase life expectancy in both men and women by an estimated 6 years. The most interesting facet of this research is that it supports the assertion that gentle cardiovascular exercise is extremely effective, which means that beginners can enjoy the health benefits of jogging without over exerting themselves.

2. Healthier Heart and Lungs

While it has previously been suggested that jogging places a considerable strain on the heart and lungs, this can actually have a positive impact on your physical health. On average, the human body uses 10 times more oxygen during light exercise than it does while sitting still, while even gentle physical activity also causes the heart to beat at a much faster rate. Over time, this strengthens the cardiovascular system and enables your lungs and heart to perform more efficiently. As a consequence of this, you can undertake a more strenuous exercise regime going forward and develop a heightened level of physical fitness.

3. Improved Mental Performance

While it stands to reason that jogging should boost your physical capacity and have numerous health benefits, its potential for improving your mental performance is less well known. Jogging and similar physical activities actually causes the brain to release endorphins, which are chemicals that create a sense of contentment and positive well-being. Not only can this boost your short-term happiness, but regular jogging can also increase your levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. There has even been research to support the idea that jogging can assist with alleviating stress, which is great for individuals with challenging jobs or difficult home lives.

The Last Word

While no one can dispute the fact that jogging can help you to lose weight, fewer individuals are aware of its additional benefits. In fact, jogging can have a positive influence on various aspects of your physical and mental being, and it is known to enhance your cardiovascular system and its capacity. When you consider that elite distance runners can often be three times more efficient at consuming oxygen than sedentary individuals, for example, you get an idea of how jogging can help you to develop your physical capabilities. Simply by making a commitment to jog regularly while maintaining a steady and consistent pace, you can develop far greater levels of fitness and improve your overall outlook on life.