For many people a morning workout is easier and more efficient than working out later in the day, but they can struggle to find the motivation to leave their warm, cozy beds to go outside into the cold. However, there are many little ways you can make getting out of bed for your morning workout easier- check out these 15 tips:

1. Switch The Light On As Soon As You Wake Up

As soon as you switch your alarm off, switch the light on. You will feel much more awake if you sit in the light – especially as it feels extra bright in the morning! This will help to wake your body up naturally, so you feel fresh and ready for your morning workout.

2. Keep Your Alarm At The Other Side Of The Room

Keeping your alarm on the other side of the room forces you to get out of your warm bed. It will help you to feel less groggy as you get used to moving around, and you will feel less tempted to get back into bed once you’ve already made the effort to get out.

3. Set Two Alarms

If you struggle with the idea of getting up after one alarm, set two instead; use your phone for the first alarm, which you keep in your bed, and an alarm clock at the other side of your room for the second alarm. The first alarm lets you know that you have 15 more minutes snuggled up in bed, so you still get a snooze in before your morning workout.

4. Pack Your Workout Gear Before You Go To Sleep

Before you go to sleep, check tomorrow’s weather online and pack an outfit that is comfy and suitable. This will stop you making excuses for bad weather, as you will already be fully prepared.

5. Choose A Workout Outfit You Love – And An Awesome Playlist

You will feel more motivated to work out and you will enjoy your morning workout more if you get to wear an outfit you love. Another way to motivate yourself to enjoy your exercise is to work out to a playlist you love, so craft a playlist that makes you feel pumped up.

6. Schedule Brunch For After Your Workout

Lots of people find it easiest to motivate themselves through using a reward system, so put one in place for yourself. If you finish your workout, treat yourself to a super delicious, healthy brunch afterwards.

7. Exercise With Your Pets

If you have a dog, combine your exercise with theirs and take them for a run with you in the morning. You might be able to let yourself down easily, but it is much harder when you have to let down your excited, barking dog too.

8. Focus On How You Feel After Your Workout

When you wake up, instead of focusing on how tired you are and how warm your bed is, focus on how you will feel after your workout. You will feel healthy, motivated, proud, and happy – which is much better than just feeling warm and cozy.

9. Set A Routine And Stick To It

Respect your morning workout routine, and consider it just as important as doing food shopping or going in to work. When you identify your morning workout as super important, you won’t accept your own excuses to not exercise.

10. Remember That Some Chores Count As Exercise

If you live in an area where you have to shovel snow or collect firewood, add this to your morning workout routine. It means you are doing work that needed doing, and you’re even getting it done before you go to work – efficient!

11. Make Sure The Room Is Warm When You Wake Up

It is much harder to get out of bed when the room you’re in is freezing, so set the timer on your heater so you wake up to a toasty, warm room.

12. Exercise With People You Don’t Want To Let Down

If the only person you let down when you don’t exercise is you, it is much easier to not exercise. Find a group of friends who are happy to exercise with you and do it together. Once you have exercised together a few times, you won’t want to let them down – so you will find the willpower to get out of bed and start your morning workout.

13. Sleep In Your Workout Clothes

If you really struggle to get up in the morning, sleep in your workout gear. That way, when your alarm goes off, you can jump straight out of bed and out the door!

14. Drink A Cup Of Coffee Before You Start

Lots of people find it easier to start their day with a caffeine hit, and a cup of coffee can help you to feel awake and ready for the day ahead – including your morning workout.

15. Do It – Don’t Listen To Your Excuses

Consistency is important; realize your excuses are just excuses, and you want your morning workout to become a routine, rather than just occasional exercise. What do you think of these tips? Do you think they will help you to get up earlier? Share this with your friends who exercise in the morning and see what they think!