Autism is a complex developmental disability. This condition affects the normal function of the brain and thus alters the development of the individual’s communication and social interaction skills. Accordingly, autism related costs average $65, 000 per family. But there is hope as millions of dollars are spent on research to find the causes and the cure for autism. As we wait, here are fifteen things you need to remember if you love someone with autism. Autism is an infectious laugh, feeling and giving everything to emotions, confusion. Autism is not friendless, dull, what you fear it will be. — Denise Henry

1.They shouldn’t be criticized

If you are correcting an individual, let it be done with mildly and with kindness. Discipline shouldn’t be imposed when they are angry, shut down or anxious, or they won’t be able to connect with you emotionally

2. They need to be offered real choices

Learn to offer them real choices. As you demand trust from them, let your questions be veered at offering them real choices. Ask questions that do not demand a negative response.

3. They demand actions more than words

Don’t expect words like “I love you” to be spoken from them frequently. They believe actions speak stronger than words.

4. They are highly sensitive

They have tender hearts. Innocent comments or comical behavior may be taken seriously by them. Things that are seemingly trivial may upset them.

5. They are honest

They may speak spontaneously about what they feel, and they can say this with elements of loyalty. They are extremely honest.

6. They are not in tune with you making sudden changes

They definitely will make plans about an event long before it happens, if you have informed them about it. If there is to be a sudden change, provide an option rather than force them to cope with the sudden change of plans, something they are not good at.

7. They have a unique brain system

According to research, people with autism have connections in their brain that are uniquely their own.

8. They have heightened sensory perception

Their moods could be affected by lights, noises, temperatures and numerous other variables. It is often better to keep the lightning soft and gentle when they are around. Places like supermarkets, the cinemas or nightclubs could make them feel nervous and cause them trauma.

9. They may not remember dates

They may forget important events such as birthdays or anniversaries as they never can understand the importance that is placed on such dates.

10. They could be improved with some music therapy

According to studies, music therapy may help individuals with autism improve their skills in important areas such as communication and social interaction.

11. They need to be hugged only at special times

Hugs need to given at times when the individual is comfortable and relaxed to receive them, or it may become claustrophobic for them.

12. They only love to talk about things they are interested in

They may not want to talk and chatter about things that they are not interested in. It is not selfish, it is simply easier for them to concentrate on discussions that have their interest.

13. They improve with time

According to a study, there is the possibility for improvement of an individual as he/she grows. Such improvement can sometimes be dramatic.

14. They communicate with their behavior

Their change in behavior always happens for a reason. Even when they cannot relate in words, they certainly would act and display their perception of what is going around them.

15. They don’t want you to assume anything

They may not know the rules or maybe they misunderstood them. Or they may have simply forgotten. It is better not to guess with them if you are not sure. With them you have to show some consistency. Featured photo credit: via