1. Compliment other people.

Try your best to see the good in others. When you find something you admire about someone, let them know.

2. Volunteer and do small acts of kindness.

Service is a funny thing; as you help others, you help yourself. You lose your bitterness, your jealousy, your misunderstandings, even your unfair judgments. You see the world in a different way, a better way. These acts can be as big as volunteering at soup kitchen every week or just holding the door open for a mom with children in her arms. If you look for opportunities to serve, you will find them. They might not be at the most opportune times for you, but it wouldn’t be true service if you only helped others when it was convenient for you.

3. Early to bed, early to rise.

Your mind and body need rest. Get enough sleep at night so that you have the energy and will-power to get up and get things done.

4. Exercise and eat healthy.

Take care of your body. Be active, use it. Eat healthy and exercise.

5. Meditate.

Take time every so often to just sit and clear your mind. A healthy mind and spirit are just as important as a healthy body.

6. Build strong relationships with friends and family.

Friends and family can be your support and your cheerleaders. They can be there for you when you need it and you can be there for them. Do what you can to build strong relationships with those around you. Be reliable and understanding. Learn how to make a relationship thrive.

7. Work hard.

Whether you are at work or at home, fulfill your responsibilities. Do what needs to get done and do it right. A job well done is a great way to lift your spirit.

8. Set and accomplish goals.

Everyone is happy when they accomplish a long awaited goal or dream. Be active in setting goals. Be realistic in your expectations. Work hard to make things happen.

9. See failures and weaknesses as opportunities to improve.

When you find a flaw or a weakness in yourself that you aren’t happy with, then look at that as a chance to improve, to become a better you. Remember: that doesn’t mean you have to change and become someone else,

10. Listen.

When someone is talking to you, don’t be planning out in your mind what you’re to going to say as a response. Listen to them. What they have to say might be more important than what you’re planning on saying. Learn to have good communication skills.

11. Express gratitude.

A simple “thank you” can go a long way. When you look for opportunities to express gratitude throughout the day, you will find them. You will see the good in people around you and the willingness that they have to help others.

12. Don’t judge or compare.

When most people compare themselves to another person, they are comparing their weaknesses with another’s strengths. It’s a flawed perception of reality. Don’t judge other people; you don’t know what they’re going through. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Your life is unique to you. You are the only person who can truly understand what it means to be you.

13. Learn to forgive; don’t hold grudges.

Forgiveness is hard, but by holding a grudge, you are the one who feels it in the end. Holding in resentment, anger, or hatred is unhealthy. It resides in you and puts you on the road to becoming bitter and pessimistic.

14. Have healthy coping strategies.

When people face hard times in their lives they have coping strategies that they fall back on. Some people eat, some people cry, some people get angry. Everyone’s coping strategies are different. Happy people are able to use coping strategies that still allow for them and the people around them to be healthy and strong.

15. Participate in activities.

These activities are things that are meaningful to you, are in line with your values and are things you feel strongly about. This could be anything from participating in religious organizations to joining a rally for animal rights. Be active in things you are passionate about.