1. You don’t always get to be tolerated.

Mutual compromise is important in building a strong relationship. Knowing when to tolerate each other makes the relationship last long, and therefor it take both partners to understand when to give in. Expecting the other person to only tolerate you in all situations is only going to develop resentments and eventually damage the relationship.

2. You don’t get something effortlessly.

You get what you give. You might think that people who are in a happy relationship are lucky because they found the right person. But luck came from hard work. The truth is, they have somehow been putting in effort that is appreciated by their partners.

3. Love isn’t only about beautiful, wonderful things.

Love is sacrifice. When the other person’s happiness is more important than your own, you know it is love. If you can put the other person’s need before yours, that shows true love.

4. A good looking couple doesn’t define equality.

You define what is equal. Equality is when you do something for the person you love knowing the reverse is equally plausible. Love is not physically measurable.

5. You don’t truly understand love simply by being attracted to a person.

You have to experience hurt to understand love. How do you know how much a person means to you if you have never felt the pain from experiencing something that might hurt you?

6. Good looks don’t ensure happiness.

Looks do not define a person. Just because a person is not good looking by society’s standards, doesn’t mean that he or she are not lovable. We have all seen a happy couple who are average looking. What counts is the heart, because looks will fade in time, but a beautiful heart will stay.

7. Love doesn’t exist singularly.

When there is love, there will be hate. You will not get upset over what your lover does or say if he or she doesn’t matter to you. Have you experienced hating someone that you used to love very much? This shows how much he or she mattered to you. You wouldn’t hate someone you don’t care much about.

8. Living in a beautiful castle doesn’t define love.

You cannot define love with material possessions. Sure, money defines the kind of life you will live in this society. However, it doesn’t define love. What defines love is the effort your partner took in order to make you happy. It’s the idea of genuine care for the person you love.

9. It is not over when there are roadblocks in the relationship.

Obstacles do not destroy your relationship, they are challenges that will strengthen your relationship if you choose to fight through them. You will never see the beauty of your relationship if you don’t have experience fighting for it.

10. It’s not the differences in personality that separate a partner, it’s differences in lifestyle and not having a goal together that separate them.

It’s difficult to be together if your way of living is very different from your partner’s. You fade apart when you don’t have a specific goal that you aim to achieve together. Be it a goal to build a family, a goal of having a child, a goal to succeed financially, or any other goals that you can work on together.

11. Misunderstanding doesn’t solve itself by coincidence.

An important duty of love is to listen. Misunderstanding and arguments often occur when you are not willing to truly consider the other person’s thoughts.

12. Don’t just wait to be loved. Love yourself first, in order to be loved.

If you don’t know how to love yourself, how can you expect others to love you? Loving yourself means accepting yourself for who you are while refining yourself by improving to become a better person.

13. Love does change.

The feeling of sweetness and romance that often occurs at the beginning of a relationship may not last, but that does not mean that you are no longer in love after that period has passed. It just meant that you will be at a different stage in your relationship. We all tend to give our best at the beginning of a relationship, and as the time goes by, we get comfortable being our true selves.

14. Love is fighting the battle together.

Walking hand in hand through hard times in life makes love stronger than ever before. It isn’t easy to stick around when life is giving you and your partner a hard time. But walking through it and believing that you will go through it together is what makes the relationship strong.

15. Love is not easy.

But love is worth it when you find the one who is willing to walk through thick and thin with you.