1. You will have someone who has a great sense of humor

We are not meant to take life too seriously. Because we are not perfect and can never get everything totally accurate. A funny lady will make you realize the humor in your mistakes and weaknesses. And they don’t just make you realize these flaws, they make great jokes out of them.

2. You will be surprised and caught off guard every now and then

Who doesn’t love surprises? A funny girl won’t simply make you laugh, she will surprise you with her jokes and actions. Sometimes this will make you relax and calm down in the face of a tense and a critical situation.

3. You will have a witty friend

She is witty and magical and she can tell you things which will make you have a different perspective, an unconventional one. Funny girls make their words come out humorous, but actually there is always an underlying layer of intelligence in what they say.

4. You will be happy to show off your girlfriend

Her attractiveness for the people around you is not in her physical beauty but in what she says and how she says it. Through your girlfriend you will definitely be drawn to more interesting people.

5. You won’t have any fake moments in your relationship

Everything is real. There are fewer pretenses between you and her. You can deal with situations as they come because she is real and prepared to take you for who and what you are.

6. You will always get an honest opinion

She says it the way it is. Humor can be a tool but she’ll tell you how she really feels about things. Since she is blunt and she doesn’t hold back her feelings or her misgivings. She just tells you the way it is. You can always be confident about her honest opinions.

7. You will not be held back from anything

She wants you to take risks and be adventurous. Those actions sorts of charm her and draw her closer to you. She won’t limit you. Rather she will fire you to making mistakes and learn from them.

8. You’ll be able to grow old together

You are not scared of growing old with her. In fact you look forward to it because she’ll stay the same. She won’t change her personality or stop making you laugh. She will add beauty to your older years. That is something to look forward to, growing old with someone who makes you laugh.

9. You’ll be able to push her buttons

She doesn’t get mad when you push her buttons. She can relate with that. Actually there is no reason sweating the small stuff, she will rather be laughing over it.

10. You’ll watch her perform sometimes

Everyplace is her stage but you have actually seen her perform and done something out of the box or very creative, and you had to applaud her authenticity. And yes you got turned on by that too.

11. You’ll start watching classic movies

She loves watching movies and she gets you involved. She wants you to see the fictional side of life and relax a little. You shouldn’t be minding that some of these movies are classics because she’ll make you realize how funny they are. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com