So it is with great joy that I bring you 10 Ways to Fit Meditation Into Your Day from Ms. DuHamel – along with some inspirational thoughts from some of the most influential individuals known to mankind – and I hope you will find it inspirational enough to Pinit or place it on a vision board.
1. Gaze
2. Repeat throughout the day three things for which you are grateful
3. Find meaning in whatever you are doing
4. Find joy in the moment
5. Be present in the moment
6. Smile
“Be present in the moment by focusing on something such as breath or a mantra or the task at hand. Become one with the task at hand.” – Jean Marie DuHamel
7. Laugh
8. Focus on the heart
9. Inhale and exhale slowly and evenly
10. Play soothing background music
Featured photo credit: aigarius via “Dedicating some time to meditation is a meaningful expression of caring for yourself that can help you move through the mire of feeling unworthy of recovery. As your mind grows quieter and more spacious, you can begin to see self-defeating thought patters for what they are, and open up to other, more positive options.” – Sharon Salzberg.