So here are 10 ways to make your mornings better:

1. Do 15 minutes of stretches.

Right when you wake up, stretch or do some yoga for 15 minutes. This will naturally stimulate your body; it’s like an espresso shot right to your brain. And unlike coffee, this natural energy boost could last you all day.

2. Stay away from electronics.

When you start your day by checking your email or social media, you’re immediately putting yourself into a state of stress. Instead of doing this, try reading a book or doing something creative.

3. Make a plan for the day.

If you didn’t write out a to-do list the night before, do it in the morning. This gives you a game plan and purpose for your day. It also helps you stay focused and productive, ensuring that you get more done.

4. Listen to upbeat music or read an inspirational book.

Start your day by listening to positive music or reading a motivational book. This sets you up to have a better day because you’ll have a positive mindset and a good attitude.

5. Eat a healthy breakfast.

I know you’ve heard this before, but breakfast is very important. Ever since I started eating a healthy breakfast every morning, I’ve found that I have more energy, I’m more productive, and I can focus better. Some people just can’t seem to stomach food first thing in the morning, though. If that’s you, at least keep a quick (and healthy) snack with you for when you do get hungry.

6. Do something that makes you happy.

Give yourself a little treat or do something that makes you happy. This will be different for everyone. Maybe you want to go get a coffee from your favorite coffee shop, maybe you want to write in your journal, maybe you want to do a workout. Just be sure to give yourself a little “me-time” and do something that you enjoy.

7. Drink some water.

After you’ve been sleeping for 8 hours, you usually wake up feeling dehydrated. So drink a large glass of water in the morning to re-hydrate yourself and help yourself feel more awake and energized. Putting lemon in the water is an added bonus. Lemon helps boost your immune system, aids in your digestion, makes you feel energized, and more.

8. Get ready, even if you’re just sitting at home.

Unless you want to have a lazy day (which is okay sometimes!) take the time to get ready for your day. Even if you’re not doing anything, getting dressed and ready will help you feel more “put together” which can make you feel more energized and lead to a way more productive and enjoyable day.

9. Wake up at the same time.

I know you may want to sleep in sometimes, but you should really try to wake up at the same time every day. This helps put your body on a schedule, which will make waking up easier and easier for you. If you stick to this schedule, you might even eventually be able to wake up without an alarm.

10. Tackle your hardest to-do first.

When you’re ready to start working, tackle your hardest to-do list task first. This helps you have a better day because you know you’ve accomplished at least one big thing. Doing this can also help you be more productive because it might motivate you to tackle the rest of your to-do list as well.