A social status symbol as well as an important interviewing tip, having white teeth indicates to some degree that you take care of yourself and like to look good. It’s also an attractive feature to have a nice bright smile. That’s why for these reasons and more, it’s important to brighten and maintain healthy white teeth. Here are 10 top tips to help you achieve that goal. 1. The basics matter. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day, floss at least daily and use mouthwash containing fluoride. 2. Coffee, tea, red wine and smoke stain your teeth the worst. It’s good to rinse your mouth with water after drinking these items or smoking. 3. Look for products containing peroxide. This is the key ingredient used to make your teeth white. It’s safe although it can cause temporary sensitivity 4. Dental trays and teeth strips that recommend 20 minutes or more per application, with high peroxide levels, are considered the most effective methods. 5. According to the Cleveland Clinic, whitening toothpastes lighten your teeth by one shade where as various dentist treatments lighten by 3 – 8 shades. 6. Different whitening techniques are needed if your teeth are slightly gray versus yellow, as gray stains are not surface stains. 7. If you’re using tooth whitening toothpaste don’t forget to also use tooth whitening dental floss. 8. Plaque feeds on regular sugar but cant digest xylitol. Therefore if you chew gum, chew gum that contains xylitol to prevent plaque buildup. 9. Malic acid is a natural tooth whitener that exists in fruits such as strawberries. Crush some berries and apply the pulp to your teeth for 5 minutes. 10. Be sure to read up on the latest tooth whitening methods before beginning. One excellent source for this is Wikipedia’s “Tooth bleaching” article. 10 Top Teeth Whitening Tips | Wizgig