Here are ten things you need to know about moving house which, when planned and implemented carefully, can make the experience virtually stress free.

1. Book Your Removal Company Early

Even before you finalize a moving date you can research removal options and ask any companies to quote. Removal businesses are in high demand so as soon as your move date is finalized, if you have the preparation out of the way, you can immediately book their services.

2. Create a Master List

It is surprising how many people you need to inform that you are moving house, so if you create a list it makes it more likely that you won’t forget anyone. You can also add to it as you go along. Include all your friends and family; banks; insurance companies; the electoral register; utility companies; Council Tax; the Inland Revenue; any subscriptions you receive; and anyone else who contacts you regularly.

3. Health Providers

Don’t forget to inform your dentist, optician and doctor you are changing address. If you are moving to a new area you will need to find new providers, which means registering with a GP. If you take any regular prescription medications ensure you pick up enough to cover you during the changeover period.

4. Utility Companies

Inform all your utility companies you are moving house and on what date. You will also need to read your gas, electricity and water meters before you leave your home for the last time, plus read those at your new address when you arrive. Make sure all the necessary companies have the readings so they can complete your final bills. Also, don’t forget about your landline, broadband and mobile phone bills. You don’t want to be paying for services that someone else is now using.

5. Insurance Companies

It is important to get in touch with your insurers as recalculations may need to be carried out. With home and contents insurance this will depend on your new property size and location but a move may also alter your vehicle insurance. A new postcode, off-street parking or garage availability can all make a difference to your premiums, whether positively or negatively.

6. De-cluttering

Moving home can be the perfect time to de-clutter and rethink about how you want to live. Clear out anything unwanted and either recycle it; sell it; or pass it along to a charity. However, also remember that if you need to order anything new, like furniture or white goods, these can have quite a long lead time in terms of delivery, so the earlier you plan the better.

7. Packing

Ask your removal company for boxes and packing material as early as possible, or collect your own, and then as you de-clutter you can pack what you want to take with you. The more organised you can be with this the easier it will be to unpack at your destination. Label each box with the room it belongs in and include a short description of the contents.

8. Redirect Your Post

Royal Mail offers a paid service whereby you can redirect your mail for 3, 6 or 12 months. This is vital as there will always be companies and individuals you forget to contact and this gives you peace of mind you won’t miss anything important.

9. Ask and Tell

When you move into a new home there is always vital information you need. For example, what day the rubbish is collected; where the water stopcock is; and where you can find the utility meters. Money Saving Expert offers a great list of questions you might not even think to ask. Gather this information from the people who live in the house you are moving into and get a list of the same information together for your buyers.

10. Moving With Children and Pets

Finally, don’t add to the stress on move day by also having to care for young children and pets. Older children can help with the move but it is better to make sure infants have someone to spend the day with if possible. Move day can also be stressful for pets so confine them to one room or to their carriers as early as possible. You don’t want to be chasing your cat around the neighborhood five minutes before you are due to leave. Once everything is packed and on its way, the only other thing to remember is to know exactly where the box is which contains the kettle and cups. You will definitely need a cup of tea on arrival. Featured photo credit: Ryan McGuire via