When you’ve found someone (or several someones) who will always stand by you when others don’t, remember these 10 very important things.

1. They deserve your time

You cannot be busy enough. You have to understand loyalty and appreciation. People who have been there for you should always be recognized. When you are engaging in something pivotal, like a graduation or marriage ceremony, such people deserve to be invited. They want to be there to celebrate with you.

2. They deserve a phone call

Since they have shown you so much love, once in a while try to reach out to them and make them know that you still think about them. They shouldn’t be forgotten even in a world of social media gossips and technological devices.

3. They need to be appreciated

Sometimes they don’t need your time or any gifts. What they should get may be a simple thank you. We live in a world where people don’t know how far the phrase “Thank you” can go. People who have been there for us should be appreciated and acknowledged with the right words.

4. They should be mentioned

They deserve a mention even if they are not present to hear it. Mentioning their name could mean a lot to someone who hears their name and how much they did for you. It will mean a lot to them if they hear that you have mentioned their name and told the world of their good deeds.

5. They should be treasured

Those who stood by us, when no other person did, deserve our loyalty. They should be treasured. They should be treated special. This is because they had a choice not to do what they did. Such kindness should motivate us to find a way to always treasure them in our hearts.

6. They deserve our gifts

A gift is a physical representation of how grateful we are to them. The gift doesn’t have to be very expensive or outrageously charming. But it has to send the right message that they mean a lot to your world.

7. They need to be visited

They may be in a hospital now or going through a challenging period. People who have been there for us need to be visited. They need our warmth and support a reminder to show that we have not forgotten the good they did for us.

8. They need to be emulated

Some people only support or help others when they think that they will get something in return. However people who give freely are a light to the world and their example should be emulated. Let their wonderful example also flow through us as we all do well to make a difference in a world that appears selfish.

9. They should be understood

Let us see this person not as weak, but as a strong person who has done something out of the ordinary for us. They should be understood, respected and valued. What they must have done may have meant some level of discomfort for them but they helped us anyway. Such people should be understood for their goodness and never be mocked for it.

10. They should be in our prayers

Yes at the end of the day, whatever beliefs we have, there is a universal law that rewards goodness. We should put such wonderful people in our prayers even if we cannot be there for them to show our appreciation and love. They may be far away right now or you don’t even know where they are, but you could still reach out to them through your prayers and sincere good wishes for them. Featured photo credit: Warten/Sascha Kohlmann via flickr.com