1. You know that you will never be bored

Having a clever girlfriend by your side means that life will never be dull when you are together. She always knows about the best movies to watch or a music venue where you are bound to have a blast. She is highly creative and know how to help keep your relationship from slipping into a predictable routine.

2. You know that you will always have someone to push yourself to be your best

Sometimes you need someone from the outside to encourage you to keep going when you feel like giving up. This is your girl. Her confidence in herself carries over to you and inspires you everyday to stay motivated and keep your head up during hard times. That one time that you lost your job? She was by your side, cheering you on and helping you polish your resume.

3. You know that life together will be full of thoughtful surprises

It’s notoriously hard to shop for your significant other, especially if they seem to have everything they already want. Luckily, your girl knows how to be creative with her gift-giving and always has something epic up her sleeve. Your last birthday? A road trip down to a nearby city to see your favorite band was one of the most thoughtful things that anyone has ever done for you.

4. You know that you will have different opinions on things and that’s OK

She has strong opinions on a wide spectrum of topics and this is why you love her. You also know that sometimes your ideas are bound to clash, but what’s important is that you both have a mutual level of respect for each others’ viewpoints. She also knows when to stop and agree to disagree about a certain subject, whether it is about politics or a TV show.

5. You love how she pursues her own passions

She knows what her interests are and makes sure to dedicate her time to them, whether they are writing a blog or learning martial arts. You know that it’s important for your relationship to have time away from each other and you have been inspired by her to pursue your own passions, like learning a new language or picking up a few songs on the guitar.

6. You are not afraid to tell her your dreams

She is supportive of your dreams big and small and you always feel comfortable telling your life’s aspirations to her, even if you never told anyone else before. She knows the importance of confiding your dreams to someone else who you trust, because she does the same with you, telling you about her dreams to be in a band or do research in Antarctica.

7. You love how she demands respect of herself

She is self-assured and expects everyone to respect her and treat her equally as a woman. She stands up for herself, whether she is in the workplace or out with her friends. She expects no less from you and you are always willing to support her with no exceptions.

8. You know that when you fight with her it will always be a fair fight

She knows how to stand-up for what she believes in, but she also know what not to say during your arguments that bring up sore points. There are some things in a relationship that are meant to stay in the past and you love her because she is able to get up and move past these issues and focus on the present disagreement.

9. You had to prove that you were worthy of her time

When you first started dating she made sure to take things slow and really get to know each other before being in a committed relationship. You love this about her and are willing to do anything to prove that you were meant to be, from leaving little love notes to spending time getting to know her friends. She is completely worth it.

10. You feel comfortable admitting your fears and getting real feedback on them

She is good at giving an honest opinion on things that scare you in a supportive, but constructive manner. She pushes you to face your fears, but also lets you know that she is right by your side supporting you all the way. In turn, she tells you her own fears and shows that she is not afraid to be vulnerable with you. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via pixabay.com