Yoga is nothing new. It originated in India at least 5,000 years ago and there are countless types to choose from. The one I find most interesting is hot yoga, also known as Bikram yoga. It is a form of yoga that is performed in a room heated at 105 degrees Fahrenheit while putting the humidity level at 40 percent, which is not a pleasant situation to put yourself in for 90 minutes per session. So, I am sure you are wondering…what are the benefits of hot yoga?

1. Hot Yoga Serves as Great Cardio

Believe it or not, practicing yoga in such extreme conditions is good for your heart. Positioning your body in 26 postures in that extreme heat has the same effect as running a mile. Furthermore, it can burn up to 1000 calories per session. The way you stretch will also boost your metabolism so your body can keep burning calories even after your routine is over.

2. It Cleans Out Your Skin

The hot temperature of the room helps you sweat quickly and effortlessly. I know sweating doesn’t hold a very good reputation but through sweating, your body gets rid of toxins that have built up in your pores. It cleans out your skin in order to prevent it from getting infection and rashes.

3. It Heals You

Hot yoga was invented for therapeutic purposes. If you practice it on a regular basis, you will notice body pains are slowly fading away, particularly back pain.

4. It Gets Rid of Arthritis

Of the many benefits of hot yoga, this is the one I find most extraordinary. It’s not uncommon for people who suffer from arthritis to experience relief from it after 2 or 3 sessions of hot yoga.  The downside is that it’s not a permanent cure. You have to continue doing yoga to keep it from coming back.

5. It’s Great for Diabetics

Practicing and maintaining the lifestyle needed for hot yoga do help in decreasing blood pressure level. Don’t believe me? Read the book “Diabetic Always, Insulin No More.” It’s the story of a student who overcame obesity, back pain and diabetes by putting a lot of dedication in hot yoga.

6. It Gets Rid of Depression

Ever go through those times in your life where you feel too depressed to do anything with your time? Do yourself a favor and take part in just one session of hot yoga during your low periods.  I guarantee it will change your state of mind.

7. It Causes You to Age Slower

Take a look at people who have been taking their yoga seriously for years. You will notice that they look much younger than the average person who is the same age.  Doing hot yoga serves as a natural anti-aging medicine.

8. Regulates your Thyroid

A lot of the postures that you perform in hot yoga focus on working your thyroids which help in balancing its level.

9. It Lowers Stress

Hot yoga contains two breathing exercises that help calm and clear your mind.

10. It Balances Your Emotions

Hot yoga helps you become more aware of the self and what’s going on around you. Which leads to better decision making and an overall better life. Warning: Be sure to check with your doctor before participating in hot yoga. Due to the fact that the routine takes place in harsh conditions, it may not be suitable for people with dehydration and intolerance with heat issues.