If you’re reading this right now, I know you’re that first person, not the second one. There’s no better time than the present to take action. I want to inspire you, and light a fire inside of you. I want to create some urgency and remind you that putting things off for tomorrow, isn’t always the best course of action.  Below are few reasons why today is the best possible day you can choose to start chasing those dreams and goals you want so bad.

1. You’ll never be “ready”

It’s true, sometimes and in certain situations you actually can be “ready”. But for the majority of things that really matter, the experiences and challenges that will change your life, you can’t be 100% ready. And if you keep waiting for that readiness to appear, you’ll wait forever and before you know it, you’ve missed your chance.

2. Your competition started yesterday

While you were waiting to get ready, your competition was working, which means you’ve got some ground to make up. The longer you wait, the bigger that gap is going to get. Don’t get discouraged and say, “Well I’m already behind, why bother now?”. It’s tempting, but if it’s something you really want to get done, you’ve got to get moving.

3. Planning is pointless when it’s not followed by action

You know all those lavish, detailed, calculated plans you’ve been making? They’ll be nothing more than an absolute waste of time if you don’t act on those plans. Isn’t that the whole reason for planning, to actually do something? You’re wasting valuable time by not executing on those plans today.

4. You deserve to happy

Happiness is something we’re all entitled to. But many times, happiness is a direct product of you taking life by the horns and making something happen. Today  should be the day you make something happen. Today should be the day you get happy about life again.

5. You deserve to be excited

So many people dread Monday mornings. Is there something inherently wrong about Monday? Is Monday plotting an evil scheme against you and your dreams? Of course not. You deserve to wake up every day with an excitement to take on the day. Why make yourself wait for that?

6. There’s no refund for lost time

Time is the one thing that you can never get back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone for good. The last thing you want to do is to wait 20 years, then look back and wonder “what-if?” It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to stumble, but to never take action isn’t something you should accept. The longer you wait, the less time you have to reach those goals.

7. You need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable

You know that warm fuzzy place where life is so easy and everything makes sense? That’s your comfort zone, and nothing amazing happens there. If you want to make progress towards achieving things that matter in life, you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. All of your growth and progress is going to happen right outside of your comfort zone. And the longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be to break out of your comfort zone.

8. Your excuses suck

A lack of time, money, resources, skills, and knowledge are nothing more than excuses that are preventing you from achieving those goals you want so badly. If you’re productive and prioritize correctly, you’ll easily find the time you need. Money is often a self inflicted barrier. There are ways to start now, with the money you have, you just need to look deeper. And if the money turns out to be a necessity, I’m sure that with 100% focus, you’ll find  a way to get it. Resources, like money, can be found when you really focus on getting them. Skills and knowledge are easier to find when you’re taking action.

9. You’re more than a passenger in life

You can’t live life with a third person perspective. No one else in charge of your life except for you, and that’s a good thing. That means that you have all the permission you need to steer your life in a direction that moves you closer to those goals that really matter.

10. Practice makes perfect

Chances are, whatever it is you want to achieve, it’s going to take some practice to get it done. But you won’t get that practice if you don’t take action. And the sooner you take action, the sooner you’ll start making progress. Featured photo credit: photosteve101 via flickr.com