Before you give up on moisturizers altogether, try some of these home remedies that we found to be great solutions to dry skin problems. These helped me a lot and I’m sure they’ll help you too!

Vanilla Body Cream

Mmm, who doesn’t like smelling like vanilla? If you’ve got a food processor (or blender), you’ll be able to whip this up in minutes. What you’ll need for this is: 2 tbsp Shea Butter 2 tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil 4 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil 1/2 tsp Pure Vanilla Absolute Oil Place all of the ingredients in your food processor (or blender) and blend until smooth. Then, place the mixture into a glass (or plastic) jar. Voila! You’ve got yourself some amazing body cream that will work wonders on your dry skin. The ingredients above will make about 4 oz and lasts about six months. For the best results, keep this mixture in the fridge.

Olive Massage Oil

Wait, what? Who wants to rub olive oil on their body? It might sound weird, but boy oh boy it works wonders. For this recipe you’ll need: 2 tsp 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 to 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil Mix these two ingredients and you’ve got yourself a date with smooth skin. This mixture can be used for a quick application or as a leave-in moisturizer. Make sure that you wipe off the excess oil with a washcloth if you don’t want to use it as a leave-in moisturizer. Otherwise, use a small amount on the affected areas and do not touch it until it’s dry. Be careful that you don’t use too much lavender, though! Too much can irritate your skin.

Oatmeal Facial Mask

Oats aren’t just used for cereal and oatmeal. In high-end skincare products, you’re almost guaranteed to find oats as an ingredient. Here’s a quick recipe to make a moisturizing facial mask! You will need: 3 tbsp Oats 1 tsp Honey 1/4 cup Milk For this recipe, you’ll need two tools: a saucepan and a bowl. Warm your milk over low heat in the saucepan and place your oats in the bowl. Be sure to not boil the milk! When the milk is warm, pour it over your oats, mix it together, and wait about 5 minutes before you add the honey. Once the honey has been applied, stir it up a bit more and apply the mixture on your face. Let it sit for about 20 minutes (listen to some mindful meditations while you’re relaxing) and wash it off with a washcloth. Oatmeal contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that will rid you of your dry skin as soon as after a few uses. Neat, right?!

Sour Cream Facial Mask

Before you cringe and skip past this one, know this: sour cream has lactic acid that exfoliates dead skin cells and leaves your skin feeling smoother than ever. It might gross you out at first, but the end result will leave you wanting more. For this recipe you will need: 2 tsp Sour Cream 3 tbsp Gram Flour Pour gram flour into a bowl and mix the sour cream in until it becomes a paste. Apply this to your face (or affected area) and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and feel how smooth your skin is. In order for this recipe to work to its fullest potential, apply it every two days.

Honey Avocado Facial Mask

Mmm, mmm! Avocado is one of my favorite foods and it’s also one of my favorite skincare remedies! Avocados are jam-packed with Vitamins A and E, which helps your skin glow. It also contains natural oils that moisturize your skin! For this amazing recipe, you’ll need: 1/2 Avocado 1/4 cup Honey Thoroughly mash the avocado in a bowl, ensuring that you don’t leave any chunks behind. Add the honey and stir until the mixture is smooth. Apply the mixture on your face and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and relax for the rest of the day. This is a great way to calm down at the end of a busy day and will leave your skin happy (as well as healthy).

Yogurt Body Scrub

Yogurt is good to eat and apply to your skin! This recipe will leave your skin cells singing with joy. This is great for people who enjoy sugar scrubs over lotion. Store-bought sugar scrubs can be pretty rough on your skin, which will cause your dry skin to feel more irritated. With this gentle mixture, you’ll never have to buy another store-bought sugar scrub again. For this recipe you’ll need: 3 tbsp Granulated Sugar (a good alternative is coconut sugar) 1/4 cup Plain Yogurt (try using Greek Yogurt for a healthier glow) 3 tbsp Honey In a large bowl, add the yogurt and honey, and mix until well-combined. Next, pour in your sugar and mix well. Apply this scrub to the affected areas on your body, and massage it in a circular motion for about 2 minutes. Next, leave the mixture on your skin for about 5 minutes and rinse off with cool water. Yogurt contains lactic acid that exfoliates your skin, sugar removes any dead skin that was left over, and honey hydrates your skin. It’s a triple whammy, and it’s amazing.

Egg Lotion

Alright, before you scroll past this one, hear me out. Eggs are packed with protein, which works wonders for your skin. Honey, castor oil, and olive oil will leave your face feeling soft, while ridding you of dry and flaky skin. Orange juice contains Vitamin C, which is known to get rid of blemishes. Try this out for yourself, don’t take my word! The results will leave you breathless. For this odd recipe you will need: 1 Egg 1 tbsp Orange Juice 1 tsp Castor Oil 1 tsp Olive Oil 1 tbsp Honey 1 tbsp Rosewater 1 tsp Lime Juice Put all the ingredients into a bowl (minus the egg). Take your egg and separate the yolk. Place the yolk in with all of the other ingredients (toss the rest of the egg), and mix. Apply this mixture to your skin for 10 minutes and then hop in the shower to rinse it off. Your entire body will feel smooth, your dry skin will start to go away, and you’ll smell pretty darn good. This recipe will amaze you.

Chocolate Facial Mask

Mmmm, chocolate! Contrary to popular belief, chocolate is known to have amazing benefits for your skin! It’s known to leave your skin smooth, glowing, and softer than ever. Who said chocolate was just for eating, anyways? For this delicious recipe you will need: 5 tbsp Cocoa Powder 5 tbsp Honey 2 tbsp Maize Flour 2 tbsp Mashed Avocado Grab a medium-sized bowl and mix all ingredients together until you have a smooth paste. Apply this to your face (or affected area on the body) and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and do this daily (before a bath or shower) to achieve optimum results. Your body will feel smooth and smell delicious. With this recipe, you’re killing two birds with one stone. Enjoy!

Banana and Coconut Mask

Are you sick of buying bananas only to throw them away three days later? Bananas have more than one use to them and are known to be an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. You’ll never want to toss out a banana again! Coconut oil leaves your skin smooth and shiny. This recipe is as good as it gets. You will need: 1/2 Banana 1 tbsp Coconut Oil Mash the banana with a spoon in a bowl. Once it’s completely mashed, add the coconut oil, and stir until you get a creamy paste. Apply the mask on your face (or affected area) and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water and relax. Doing this twice a week will ensure that your skin stays hydrated and smooth.

Mango Mask

If you’re looking for something to moisturize your skin to the fullest, look no further. Mango is filled with Vitamin A, which moisturizes and hydrates dead skin. It can also heal flaky skin and rejuvenate dull skin. Olive oil is a great moisturizer and honey is nourishing for your skin. For this recipe you will need: 1 Mango 1 tbsp Honey 3 tbsp Olive Oil Take the skin off of your mango and throw the pulp into a blender until there are no chunks. Add the honey and mix well. Finally, add the olive oil to this mixture and mix until you have a creamy paste. Apply this mixture to your face and leave it on for an hour. Rinse it off with warm water, and your skin will be thanking you. This is a great way to end a stressful day, too! Just put this mixture on, put on some calming meditations, and relax. You’ll be happy with the results! What do you think about the list above? What’s worked for you in the past? Let us know in the comments down below! Be sure to share this article with friends and family members that suffer with dry skin, too!

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