You are going to find here ten essential tools which are there to serve you if you are a blogger. These tools are guaranteed to save your time and help you on your journey to be a professional blogger.

1. Evernote

You might be casually travelling in a public bus and surfing internet for something interesting and new. Lucky for you, you accidentally hit something interesting. What would you do? Well, what would a professional blogger do? A professional blogger would (probably) use the ‘Evernote’ tool. Evernote allows you to save web pages, which you can access from anywhere at any time. Well its usability doesn’t end here, you can also save images and sounds with it in your own account. Another notable feature of this tool is that you can search specific text from saved pages and even from the pictures.

2. Windows Live Writer

If you know this or not, the material you publish are going to be there for everyone to see on the internet over eternity. Hence, a professional blogger always wants to publish sensible materials, so they mostly use the Windows Live Writer to edit the blog. Yes, you’ve got your own blog editor depending upon the blogging platforms, but it allows you to have a preview of the post before you hit the publish button. Moreover, this makes it easier to use multiple blogs as it has hundreds of plugins, which allows you to enjoy many features and functions without spending much money.

3. Plagium

Remember the college days; when you copied your friend’s report and your professor found out and gave you a fair warning. Well, the blogging community also ostracizes plagiarism. If you have written something novel and are quite unsure about whether the post has appeared earlier, then don’t fret. You can use Plagium tool like professional bloggers. This tool allows you to check whether the content is replicated or unique which increases your confidence in a material.

4. PollDaddy

A material which includes surveys and opinion of the public is always appreciated and readily accepted without a second guess. How does a professional blogger manage to get those surveys done? If you don’t know, they use PollDaddy, which helps you to get opinion and feedback of the reader quickly and easily. This offsets the process where you have to read and analyze individual comments. You can conduct surveys and get quick responses from iPhone, iPad and iPod users with it.

5. Grammarly

A professional blogger doesn’t commit any grammatical error. The secret behind this is the use of the Grammarly tool. It’s one of the most used blogging tools by professional bloggers to check grammatical mistakes. It is available as an extension of Chrome browser or Microsoft Word. It remedies any grammatical error. Fed up with frequent minor grammatical mistakes? Why not to use Grammarly? Who knows? You could be swimming with the big fishes in blogging world with its use.

6. Dropbox

Imagine waking up the next day to find your mobile and laptop gone. You could lose all of your materials for blog, but professional bloggers don’t worry about such losses as they use tools like ‘Dropbox’. You just need to add those items to Dropbox, it will store your material without any charge. It allows you to sync the files between mobile devices and computers. Since it is available for every type of devices, you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues.

7. Infusionsoft

Infusionsoft is a CRM software, a sales tool and ecommerce platform, all combined into one complete package. This might not be essential for all the professional bloggers out there but it’s a must have for bloggers who are involved in business through their blogs. Infusionsoft’s major selling point is its powerful CRM, especially beneficial for small businesses, offering support for importing contacts, tagging and segmentation. It lets you score customers based on their past interactions. The other benefits include marketing automation, sales automation, ecommerce platform and support for integration. There’s no free trial for you to play around with but there are demos for you to see how the tool fares. Moreover, Infusionsoft pricing has also been set into different categories based on your requirements.

8. SEO Blogger

Ever wonder what professional bloggers use for optimizing their blogs? If you are not quite sure, then believe me when I say this that SEO Blogger is one of the most used tools for optimizing the blogs. With the help of SEO Blogger, you can find the keywords, which are mostly sought by blog readers. It also allows you to find the most popular keywords and compare many keywords in your content. Moreover, you can find out how many times you have used those words and find out the keyword density in your posts.

9. Sucuri

If your blogs are not famous, you don’t have to worry about external threats such as hacking. However, professional bloggers have to be careful of hackings because it takes considerable time to build a loyal reader base. Once their blogs are hacked and insensitive materials are posted, it would be, literally, a matter of days before they lose all of their subscribers. To avoid this, they use Sucuri. It safeguards the blog from hacking and losing its goodwill. The only downside of this tool is that it is very expensive. But, it’s worth every penny.

10. Shareaholic

A good blogger always uses the social media to attract more viewers. How does a professional blogger do it? They use Shareaholic. With its help, you can share your blog posts easily and quickly all over the social web. Actually, Shareaholic is an extension for browsers, and it supports hundreds of services for saving and sharing your posts. Featured photo credit: Publicdomainpictures via