Anthony Robbins in his quote  describes the power and influence that beliefs have on our lives. Our beliefs control how we live our lives and if we choose to live our lives acting on our self limiting beliefs then we are accepting a life that is going nowhere and the future is grim. We all desire a life that is flourishing, full of happiness, love and joy, no one wants a miserable life where we languish in mediocrity.  People who lead successful and joyful lives have achieved this by choosing beliefs that support and empower them on their life journey.

So what are Beliefs?

Beliefs are the thoughts in our head that influence our behavior, attitude and actions. The beliefs that affect our lives are either Empowering Beliefs which enable us to lead flourishing lives or Self Limiting Beliefs that stop us from achieving our goals and where we live a life where we languish and flounder. The Power of Choice is a wonderful gift that we all have and it is this gift that enables us to make choices about what we want to believe and what we don’t want to believe. Those who lead successful lives have chosen to believe in the thoughts that empower them and of course those who live in mediocrity have chosen to believe in the thoughts that disempower them. Beliefs are only thoughts and they are not real so with the power of choice we can change our thoughts anytime we want. The first step to changing how we think and feel is, to decide what the consequences are, if choose to act on our beliefs.  Don’t worry about if your beliefs are right or wrong just determine what the results will be if you act on them. This does take some practice but how long it takes depends on you! You just need to decide what Empowering Beliefs you need that will support you toward a life of success. To help you figure out what the beliefs will be that empower you toward success here are 10 Empowering Beliefs that Successful People believe to be true for them.

1. I am not afraid, only excited for what is ahead.

2. I am responsible for the life I create.

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility” – Eleanor Roosevelt

3. Failure means nothing to me – I look for outcomes and if the outcomes are not what I expect, then I assess what I need to do to change those outcomes.

4. I embrace challenges because I will always find a way to overcome.

5. My vulnerability gives me strength and fuels my belief in me.

6. The past was who I was, the present is who I am and the future is who I may become.

7. The words I use to express who I am, are aligned to my beliefs and values and actions.

8. I am on a continuous journey of learning, which I never want to end.

9. I accept that sometimes I can stuff up, make mistakes and that I am not perfect however I never stop trying to be the best person I can be.

10. I always dream big and I strive for that which is out of my reach – the impossible is worth striving for.

My Challenge to You: For the next 10 days choose one Empowering Belief to say 3 times a day. A good thing to do is to say the Empowering Belief while you look at yourself in the mirror. Each day try to behave and act in a way that supports the Empowering Belief you have chosen. Then wait, you will start to feel different and you will begin to transform. Once you want to commit to believing the impossible, daring to be different and living your life as an empowered individual you will have no option but to experience a life full of success and fulfillment. Why would you not do it?   Anthony Robbins       Featured photo credit: Scarletina via