Training your legs in the gym may not always be an option, due to time, financial or even self-conscious reasons. Yet, there is nothing stopping you from performing these powerful leg exercises at home, from the very couch you’re now sitting on! Check out the video by Brendan Meyers to learn how to do it!

Importance and Benefits of Training Your Leg Muscles

Do you focus heavily on training our upper body and core? Don’t make the common mistake and neglect leg training. The key benefits of developing your lower body strength include:

Posture – Stand straighter and walk taller. Not only will you look better, you’ll be a whole lot fitter too! Stability – Increase balance for standing, walking, running, lifting, dancing or even fighting. Athleticism – Boost your legs’ explosive power. Run faster, jump higher and more power where it comes!

Leg Exercise Summary

Work your way through this cycle, performing one set then moving to the next exercise without taking a rest. Use indicated repetitions for each side/leg.

Additional Tips For Leg Exercises at Home

Try to keep your back straight. This takes practice, look up and keep a big chest! Focus on completing exercises with good form and using steady movements If you find this routine too difficult: try to complete as many clean repetitions as you can. Next time try to increase repetitions as your strength allows. If you find this routine too easy: try slowing down your movements to increase intensity. Alternatively, try repeating the cycle a second time after a few-minute break!