The history of the engagement ring and how it came to be a tradition is interesting and there is some debate over its origins with the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks and the Romans all credited by different sources as being the earliest adopters. Some even believe that the tradition came from an ad campaign run by De Beers in the 1930s. What is generally agreed is that it is an important symbol of love and commitment. The thought of losing it is not a pleasant one and even worse would be to lose it in a random place where the chances of finding it may be slim to none. The team at Purely Diamonds put together the below infographic after reaching out to some ladies who have lost their engagement rings in a variety of unusual places and then found them in some inventive ways.

Infographic Source After reading this I’m sure you will agree it is a good idea to get your ring insured and to take it off in any situation where there may be a chance of losing it!

10 Bizarre Cases of Lost and Found Engagement Rings  Infographic  - 99