
More Time. More Action. More Meaning

9 Mp3 Player

It just seems useful to have a nine dollar player, were something to come up that you wouldn’t want to use a $100 player. Nine Dollar MP3 Player — [MAKE]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 30 words · Lyndsay Payne

10 Gadgets You Need To Bring For Vacation

1. Smart Phone This is the most obvious and necessary gadget for your vacationing pleasure. Not only can it help you stay connected with your travel partners for safety’s sake, it has countless uses and possibilities. You can utilize literally thousands of apps to perfect your holiday. Everything from bookings, navigation, restaurant recommendations, and accommodations is a mere finger tap away. For those of you on the Apple bandwagon, the Passbook feature allows you to keep all of your boarding pass and frequent flier information in the one place too, which is incredibly convenient....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 783 words · Elaine Mcqueen

10 Great Hacks For Summertime

While some of the tricks, like the eating cheeseburgers top bun down trick or the straw in the soda hack, are useful all year round, others, like the popsicle trick really are summertime specialties. And while some of those food party tricks are useful all year -summertime barbecues are a perfect opportunity to try them out. I’ve actually been using the fruit fly trick for the last few days after a broken fridge left us with a massive infestation of tiny flies -it works and it couldn’t be simpler....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 93 words · Bernice Alli

10 Ideas For Writing Article Blog Online

10 Killer Post Ideas – [Performancing] Nick and I were discussing last night about what posts work and don’t work. There is a little disagreement between us about what is important that I think we have resolved. Nick favours posts that illicit a community response, he likes to see lots of comments. Me, I like to see my posts read by hundreds of people, lots of links, tagging and bookmarking as icing on the cake....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 143 words · Brandi Lagarde

10 Perfect Jobs For You If You Want To Work From Home

1. Graphic Artist Sure, you can go to college for graphic arts and hone those skills, but the best tools to have in your arsenal include experience and software. A graphic designer who can not only prove he or she is worth $35 an hour, but also has the portfolio to back it up, will likely earn a new client. Toting a MacBook Pro equipped with your own legally-obtained software (Adobe Creative Suite or at least Photoshop) will sell you as a worthy professional and not some high school dropout doodler....

January 28, 2023 · 6 min · 1101 words · Maria Pentecost

10 Powerful Things Charismatic Leaders Say All The Time

They were all exceptionally charismatic and inspirational leaders. Exceptionally charismatic leaders have a way with words. They are skilled communicators who eloquently communicate and connect with their audience, followers and team at a deeper, emotional level. They get their audience excited about the hopes, visions and possibilities for the future, as well as the means to get there. These charismatic leaders verbally capture and articulate core hopes and dreams of people fluently and forcefully....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 816 words · Lolita Parker

10 Reasons Why You Need To Sleep Even Though You Re Busy

1. You’ll have better physical health. Study after study shows that denying yourself sleep has many serous health consequences. Chronic lack of sleep increases your chances of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, heart attack and high blood pressure. In addition, in order to stay awake during working hours, your a sleep deprived brain craves excess caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and other stimulating drugs—all of which are contributors to various health risks. 2. You’ll be in a better mood....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 779 words · Blake Thompson

10 Simple Rules For Good Writing

Worry no more, dear writer. We have just the solution for you! Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, the rules for good writing are fundamentally the same. 1. Express, not impress. Good writing is not about the number of words you’ve produced, the quality of the adjectives you’ve written or the size of your font–it’s about the number of lives you’ve touched! It’s whether or not your reader understands you....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 594 words · Fredrick White

10 Smart Hacks For Google Reader

So, what do you do when you wake up to thousands of new items in your feed reader, with hundreds of items which don’t even interest you? A few smart hacks will enable you to look through all of your favorite feeds in just 30 minutes or less using the power of Google Reader. Google reader is extremely powerful and has a very clean interface. Google Reader allows you to read your favorite blogs in much the same manner as you would read your email....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 838 words · Matthew Combs

10 Things Insecure People Do That Slowly Destroy Their Lives

1. They live in fear of judgement. Insecure people always worry about what other people are thinking. And they don’t think they’re coming out on top. Insecure people feel like they are always being judged, and not for who they truly are. This is often because they see themselves as inferior, and can’t understand how other people would see them as anything else. 2. They avoid meeting new people. Those who are insecure don’t like meeting new people, for a variety of reasons....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 642 words · Terry Trujillo

10 Ways Journaling Can Improve Your Life

1. Journaling Helps You Reflect on Your Life Life moves quickly. Journaling offers an opportunity to stop and reflect on everything in life. Reflecting can help ensure you’re doing what you need to do to stay satisfied with your life. 2. Journaling Encourages Gratitude Use a journal to keep track of everything you’re thankful for each day. Making this a regular habit can help you to become more optimistic and can remind you to enjoy the little things in life each day....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 643 words · Ronnie Williams

10 Ways To Recover After Physical Exercises

Take a post workout shake Take a contrast bath after training Do not drop carbohydrate intake too low Take naps Sleep eight to ten hours a night Stretch on your off days Avoid stress Get a massage at least once a week Do recovery workouts Take a week off Top 10 Ways To Recover After Physical Exercises – [Uncommon Body]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 60 words · Cindy Pickett

10 Words And Phrases You Re Probably Saying Wrong

For example, many people still say “expresso” when the word is both spelled and pronounced “espresso.” In fact, even pronunciation could be something you’re saying wrong, as it is pronounced “pronunciation,” not “pronounciation.” Now that you know, you should also understand that It’s of the utmost importance (not upmost importance) you stop saying these words and phrases wrong. 10 Words and Phrases You Might Be Saying Wrong | The Write Life

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 71 words · Alex Cantu

11 Regrets You Can Avoid Before You Retire

However, there are some regrets that can stay with you until you are dying. Many, many people have these regrets. But the good news is, you can start taking care of them today. 1. Caring too much what people think It’s an absolute given that, no matter how many different ways you stand on your head, you’re going to let people down, make them mad, or break their heart. If you’re going to upset people sooner or later anyway, you might as well upset them while doing something you love....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 687 words · Rose Dubill

12 Things You Can Do To Stop Worrying So Much

In that sense, worrying can be productive. It’s a self-soothing mechanism when you are scared, sad, or angry about events beyond your immediate control. However, anxiety is also linked to depression and a host of physical symptoms, including insomnia, digestive disorders, and headaches. Worrying is an illusory form of control. If anxiety is negatively impacting your life, it’s time to consider how you can stop worrying so much and get back to living boldly....

January 28, 2023 · 5 min · 1028 words · Joseph Wiest

12 Ways To Get Back To School Right

This week or next, your kids will be heading back to school. If your house is anything like mine, that means terror, trauma, and chaos – and that’s the good stuff! The first few weeks of school are probably going to throw you some curve-balls, too: your child gets bullied, the bus schedule is rearranged at the last minute (we lost a 6th grader for two hours the year before last when they changed the bus routes at the last minute!...

January 28, 2023 · 8 min · 1514 words · John Maglori

15 Important Things You Learn As The Elder Sibling

1. You learn how to share (although perhaps not willingly). As an elder sibling or oldest child, at the beginning of your life, you enjoy all of the privileges and benefits of having everything to yourself! But somewhere along the line that all changes. All of the things you called “yours” now belong to you and another tiny little human. The same number of Christmas presents sit under the tree, but now only half of them belong to you....

January 28, 2023 · 9 min · 1768 words · Sandra Simon

15 Things Not To Say About Yourself

1. “I wish I didn’t have such bad luck.” The more opportunities you pursue, the better your “luck” will get. If you want something, go get it. Success comes from hustle (not chance). 2. “It’s too late for me, so why bother?” It is never too late to change your life. Even the most damaged of us can rise from the ashes to take control of our life. See your age as an asset (not a liability)....

January 28, 2023 · 5 min · 1050 words · Mary Primm

15 Ways You Never Knew You Could Do To Complain Wisely

There can be many reasons a person might complain. Some are well justified out of a legitimate desire to make things right. If these complaints are followed by action, that is intelligent complaining. There are constructive ways to complain in order to make things better. How do you find these complaints? 1. “Here is what I have observed. It may not be true for you in which case, please ignore my advice....

January 28, 2023 · 6 min · 1254 words · Anthony Johnson

16 Tips To Survive Brutal Criticism And Ask For More

Everyone encounters criticism, whether it is a boss pointing out falling performance, a bad review for your book, or even self-criticism after an embarrassing slip-up. Your ability to digest that criticism and make use of it says a lot about your character. Even better is to be the kind of person who can take a sharp, verbal critique, stand up and ask for more. People are Too Nice Most people won’t tell you what they think of you....

January 28, 2023 · 2 min · 224 words · David Buchanan